Plandemic Defense

The global COVID-19 plandemic, which has been in planning, development and testing for more than a decade, was proposed in the Rockefeller Foundation publication from 2010 entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development in the chapter named “Lock Step”. It was then rehearsed- most notably at Event 201 and the Crimson Contagion exercise, both of which went public in October of 2019, just two months before the roll-out of this false flag operation. Most having been trained, paid or influenced by Klaus Schwab and the Soros Family, State Governors, County Supervisors, County Counsels (such as James Williams, who is a Soros Fellow), State and County Health Officers, and their local fascist minions are ignoring their oaths and using propaganda campaigns laced with scare tactics to deceive businesses, associations, and individuals into unlawfully and voluntarily obeying orders, mandates, and guidelines, none of which are laws requiring conformance by the general public. Contact tracers and code enforcers- neither of whom were not sworn law enforcement personnel- invaded private property and personnel privacy, even putting people under house arrest because they tested positive for the COVID-19 flu virus.

If you have realized that surrendering your freedoms for the sake of “public health” causes you to lose both, and you want to position yourself to overcome the SEERS plandemic scheduled for 2025, we have the resources you need to win.

Parallel Economy

The Great Reset is coming in a matter of months. It has been promised. Are you ready?

The only way to survive the New World Order’s control of every aspect of your life is to begin extracting yourself from the Matrix now. Join others who are doing that in rapid fashion. Click here to learn more.

Commerce Defense Coalition

Are you finally at the point where you want government tyrants to take their hands off of your business? Join other proprietors who feel the same way and get access to thousands of new customers who want to shop without being hassled to muzzle or jab themselves.

Plandemic Truth Repository

Counter the lies and deceptions propagated by mainstream media. Arm yourself with scientific, medical and legal facts by going here. We are constantly adding to the Truth Repository with articles and videos like these:

Watch one of the Global COVID Summits and learn the true science.


The Real Anthony Fauci

Foster Gamble interviews Robert Kennedy Jr. about The Real Anthony Fauci

Truth Teller vs Liar

Live Instruction

Get the legal strategies, procedures, and tools for protecting your rights by taking a live, in-person class.


Get involved with freedom fighters across the nation in the battle to stop tyranny.

Legal Action

In addition to providing private help and group training seminars to individuals, churches and businesses, Passage To Liberty is also spearheading legal action against public servants who’ve gone rogue and are violating their oaths to uphold individual rights under the Constitution. We are calling all freedom loving Americans to join this battle now!

Actionable Documents

PTL provides ready-to-use and customized materials to help you peacefully oppose tyranny using the law and psycho-social influences. Click here to see a sample of some of the documents we can prepare for you.