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If you’ve taken one of our seminars and are looking to put your new knowledge into practice, you’ll want to go to our Actionable Documents page to request some common documents you probably need for your situation. But if you are facing an imminent challenge and wish to request urgent assistance, please make your request by agreeing to the Engagement Agreement using the form below.


We at Passage To Liberty are not members of any BAR associations. We are not attorneys, so we cannot and do not provide legal advice.

Engagement Agreement

This end user agreement (“Engagement Agreement”) is a contract protected by the right to contract under Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 of the Constitution for the united States. It covers my use of any and all information provided on, as well as any personal services provided by Passage To Liberty, its principles, associates, members and agents (collectively “PTL”). By the act of submitting this form, I am attesting before God that I am an adult, at least 18 years of age, that I am exercising my own free will, knowingly and willingly, after having performed due diligence and investigated the information provided by PTL, and that the information I enter into the fields below, as well as any subsequent information I provide to PTL, is accurate and complete.

Without any promises being made to me by PTL, I affirm that the relationship (“Engagement”) into which I am entering by way of this Engagement Agreement is voluntary and governed by the following terms, to which I agree and by which I solemnly promise to abide:

1. I am entering this Engagement knowing that I face a fierce battle that will test my resolve. I am prepared to face unprecedented intimidation, persecution, retribution and unlawful conduct from the adversaries I will encounter during this battle;

2. Any assistance- whether verbal or written- which I receive from the Web Site, or by email, or by chat, or by phone, or in person, or by any other means from PTL does not constitute legal advice or attorney services;

3. Whereas PTL does not have licensed attorneys, I cannot be “represented” in the same manner that a BAR attorney would in a “court of law”. I understand that PTL is not part of the system and, therefore, works outside the system using proven, yet unconventional, legal strategies and methods. I understand the benefits and limitations pertaining thereto;

4. I will perform any research and due diligence suggested by PTL and I assume full responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of my findings;

5. All information obtained from PTL is confidential, and some copyrighted. I will keep confidential any and all such information and documents, and I will not reproduce or share any documents or other materials unless a written release is granted by PTL for a specific situation;

6. Any documents or information which I obtain from PTL are provided for informational purposes only. My use of said documents or information is done at my own risk or benefit;

7. Upon PTL’s request, I will provide a professional quality written or audio-recorded testimony at the conclusion of the Engagement. The written testimony will be at least 50 words long, and the audio testimony will be at least 30 seconds long. I am not required to assign my real name to this testimony, but it must be authentic and truthful;

8. I grant, without financial compensation to me whatsoever, PTL to publish (after removing my name, address, and other personal identifying information PTL deems necessary to remove to protect my privacy), in perpetuity, my story, including supporting documents and testimonial, on and to include my story, supporting documents, and testimonial in any other publications, including Web sites, books, videos, pleadings, legal filings and software applications;

9. I understand that PTL does not transact in fiat currencies. In trade for PTL’s services provided under this Engagement, I will deliver to PTL authentic Goldbacks (preferred medium of exchange) or certified .999 pure minted gold or silver coins (American Eagles or equivalent property acceptable to PTL) at an exchange rate equivalent to three hundred (300) Federal Reserve Notes for each hour of PTL’s services, less any discounts agreed-upon in advance and described in the field below. Such property will be delivered, as a retainer, in advance of services being provided. All time spent on my behalf, including that absorbed by phone conversations, email correspondences, reviewing materials I or others provide on my behalf, corresponding with government agents, appearing in court, preparing, serving and filing legal documents, research, and other activities necessary to help me shall be charged to me at the exchange rate put forth above. I understand that if I require PTL to act urgently to assist me, an emergency fee may apply;

10. For property-for-service exchanges that occur after service has been provided by PTL, I will take all necessary security measures to ensure that the property I trade for PTL’s services is delivered to the lawful possession of PTL within three (3) days of receiving notice from PTL that an exchange is required. Any such property that is transferred into PTL’s legal possession beyond 3 days of notice shall be stripped of any discounts that have been extended to me hereunder. In that event, I shall owe property valued at the full exchange rate described above, plus a late fee equivalent to fifty Federal Reserve Notes per day for each day that my property fails to be received by PTL;

11. Though the fact is obvious that no income or profit results from trades such as described herein, I hereby assert that no income will be paid to, or accrue to, PTL or PTL’s representative(s) in the course of this engagement;

12. I understand that, though PTL has a real track record of victories, each engagement is different. By no fault of PTL, my case may land in the hands of an uncaring bureaucrat, corrupt judge, court clerk, District Attorney or other person who chooses to disregard Common Law, the Constitution, statutes and regulations, legal process and procedures, and my God-given rights. I understand, therefore, that while PTL cannot, and has not, made any promises regarding outcomes, PTL will do it’s absolute best to help me. As such, I have been informed of, and I assume all responsibility for, any liabilities that result from this good faith Engagement. I release PTL from all liability and hold PTL harmless from any and all claims that would otherwise arise as a result from any losses, forfeitures, penalties, fines, fees, job loss, incarceration, physical injury, illness, defamation, death, or other consequences I experience as a result of this Engagement;

13. Should any dispute arise during the engagement into which I now freely enter, and that dispute is unable to be resolved between myself and PTL, I agree to bring the dispute before a three-person arbitration committee composed of people who identify as Born Again Christians, have been Born Again for at least 10 years, attend- in person weekly (Heb 10:25) and are thereby accountable as the Christian faith requires (Hebrews 13:16-17; James 5:16)- a Christian church in the geographic county known as Santa Clara, and are known by other Christians to adhere to Biblical principles. One member of the committee (Arbitrator A) shall be chosen by me, and one (Arbitrator B) shall be chosen by PTL, not necessarily in this order. The third shall then be chosen by Arbitrators A and B putting the names of two possible arbitrators on paper and placing them into a hat. The name which a neutral third party draws from the hat shall be the third arbitrator. This selection process shall occur within 30 days of PTL’s appointment of Arbitrator B;

14. I agree that, in the event that I do not adhere to the decision made by the three-person arbitration committee, or if I choose to violate any terms of this contract in ways that include failure to abide by the arbitration provisions of paragraph 13, I will submit to legal action requiring me contract with a “court of law” which can resolve the dispute. In that regard, I acknowledge and agree that the venue for legal action is the SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA. Though PTL intends to avoid contracting into such venues, PTL and it’s representative(s) may bring legal action against me in said venue as a last resort. If such legal action is taken, I subject myself to the rulings made therein and, if necessary, surrender of my personal property and business-related property, if applicable, to pay the judgment debt;

I, the adult man or woman of sound mind who is entering my information and who is described in the fields below, agree to all the terms put forth above. I acknowledge that PTL has right of refusal and has no obligation to provide assistance merely because I have submitted this form. However, I agree that I am bound to the terms herein upon PTL receiving the information I provide below.

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IMPORTANT: Enter a 10-digit phone number WITHOUT dashes, parentheses, or spaces. Ignore the sample entry.
Type of Help Needed
If this Engagement will involve Notices To Appear (“citations”) that have been issued or cases that are opened, please list all citation and case numbers which you would like addressed under this Engagement.
Briefly describe your predicament.
Enter a passphrase, known only to you, which will be used to confirm your identity to PTL in correspondences.