Rights Preservation Training

Protect Yourself From Tyrants!

Incredibly informative content exposing the widely unknown facts between government and citizen, and the experience to protect ourselves from unjust or unconstitutional grey areas that affect the population. I was impressed how he is not driven by a militant energy, but one of freedom and authentic liberty.”

– Ryan

What have you done to protect yourself from ever-increasing tyrannical impositions? Are you confident that your next confrontation with a “law” enforcement, revenue, or mandate compliance officer will work in your favor? The next time that the revenue-hungry State hits you with an unlawful citation or fine, or tries to confiscate your property, are you going to roll over again? What will you do when State actors try to force you to wear an ankle bracelet tracking transmitter or attempt to take your child? Are you still surrendering your God-given rights because you’re afraid to assert them?

Passage To Liberty delivers live, interactive training sessions which are packed with content and are designed to equip students with the information, mindset, strategies, and skills necessary to face tyrannical attacks. Below is a small sample of the subject matter covered in the Rights Defense/Preservation course:

    • The true nature of courts and the traps that ensnare the uninformed

    • Is California a state, a republic, or something else?

    • Kinks in the Oath of Office and public servants who don’t really have them

    • Key court decisions giving protection against unconstitutional laws

    • Offensive strategies for preserving your rights

    • Common and ubiquitous word trickery in written law

    • Admiralty Jurisdiction: You think it only applies to nautical vessels

    • Leveraging nuances in Civil and Criminal procedures to stifle a legal attack upon you

    • How the Law of the Flag tricks the unwary

    • Specific steps you can take before, during and after an interaction with “law” enforcers to create a legally unenforceable situation

    • Using Passage To Liberty’s Constitutional Challenge strategy to win without going to court or surrendering your rights

    • Setting the trap to win when you are unlawfully detained or arrested.

Sign-Up Now


July 28, 2024


10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Lunch Provided


4340 Almaden Expressway
San Jose, California

Class Fee

$149 Cash at the Door
(For those registering after July 20th)

Early Bird Discount

Those who pre-register before July 20th and pay in Goldbacks, silver, or cash will gain entry for just $99!

**Bonus Discount**

Those registrants who buy and take delivery of Goldbacks from Passage To Liberty before 5:00 P.M. on May 20th will get 3% of the purchase deducted from the ticket price, up to $50. The minimum Goldback purchase is $500. Those who register early and take full advantage of this discount will get in for just $49!!


I thought it was thoroughly fascinating. There are a lot of options out there that people do not know about.  The more people know about this the less likely we are to be abused by the police. You need to go to the seminar.”

– Reed

Click the button to register now. Use the Codes and Comments field to indicate when you will be paying. If you want the Bonus Discount,  also use this field to state the quantity of Federal Reserve Notes (“dollars”) you would like to trade for Goldbacks. Then make sure you check your spam folder for your confirmation containing additional details and instructions for the in-person transaction.